Estate litigation oftentimes arises when parents favor one or more of their children over others in their estate plans. Fortunately, at least for the parents, they typically do not have to deal with the issues involved in the litigation, as they are deceased by the time that it arises. As the Second Department’s decision in
constructive trust
Lessons of Constructive Trusts Continued

As explained by Jaclene D’Agostino in our previous entry, constructive trusts may be imposed in a variety of circumstances. However, there are numerous situations in which courts have rejected the imposition of that remedy. One such example is the case of Dext v. Rorech III, Individually and as Executor of the Estate of William Rorech, Jr., recently emanating from Suffolk County Surrogate’s Court. Ilene Cooper discusses the case in this week’s entry.
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What is a Constructive Trust?

Often misunderstood or confused with an express trust, a constructive trust is an equitable remedy applicable in a variety of circumstances. Jaclene D’Agostino discusses the doctrine in our most recent entry.
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